Karakteristik blok lever manual

- 2021-07-23-

Ingblok pengungkit manualyaiku jenis tuas manualbloksing gampang digunakake lan digawa. Dheweke umume ngandelake tenaga kerja kanggo nggawa pirang-pirang ton barang. Umume digunakake ing pabrik, tambang, situs konstruksi, produksi pertanian, dermaga, gudang, utamane operasi terbuka lan non-listrik; bisa dikombinasikake karo troli monorel kanggo mbentuk troli transportasi angkat manual, cocog kanggo transportasi overhead monorel, lsp.
Ingblok pengungkit manual can also be applied to special specifications such as large tonnage and explosion-proof type. It is suitable for outdoor harsh environment and operation without power supply. It has high safety performance. Inggearbox and handwheel cover are resistant to external impact, equipped with world-class load chain, advanced structure and beautiful appearance. Small size, light weight, easy to carry, low hand pull, high mechanical efficiency, high body toughness, simple internal structure, using aluminum integrated structural frame, easy to disassemble and easy to maintain.
Manual lever blok have features and advantages that other lifting tools do not have. Chain hoists and electric hoists have many uses. But they cannot substitute for each other. After all, the  lever blokmanual, dadi umume umume ora dibutuhake. Pengangkat listrik asring digunakake ing pabrik, jalur perakitan lan adegan liyane. Amarga frekuensi panggunaan sing dhuwur, bisa nyuda biaya tenaga kerja kanthi efektif.